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Unlocking the Fountain of Youth: RevitTx's NAD+ Therapy

Unlocking the Fountain of Youth: RevitTx's NAD+ Therapy

Nothing beats summer in Chicago. But finding an oasis in the urban jungle of Chicago can be a challenge.

By: Dr. Tian Xia-Founder, RevitTx

In the realm of medical science, few pursuits are as noble as the quest to alleviate human suffering and improve the quality of life. This has been the guiding force behind my entire medical career. Driven by the desire to empower patients to manage their pain and embrace a healthier, more vibrant life, I have brought forth a revolutionary approach to wellness. At the heart of this approach lies RevitTx's cutting-edge NAD+ therapy program, a beacon of hope for those seeking not just pain relief, but also the elusive fountain of youth. I have dedicated my life’s work to easing the pain of others, which is why I founded RevitTx, which I know will be a haven of hope for individuals battling pain, aging, and the desire for rejuvenation.

NAD+, or Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, is a vital molecule that plays a pivotal role in energy production, cellular repair, and even the aging process. As NAD+ levels naturally decline with age, its potential to influence various aspects of health and longevity has garnered significant attention. Unlike conventional approaches that demand exorbitant costs and lengthy IV treatments, RevitTx has pioneered a revolutionary method that offers the same benefits in a fraction of the time and expense.

How can we make these claims? Simply put, it’s all about the Tx360 Intranasal applicator. This patented device which I invented, offers a swift and efficient means of delivering NAD+ therapy through the sinuses, bypassing the need for invasive procedures or prolonged treatments. In a matter of seconds, patients can experience the potential benefits of NAD+ therapy, setting the stage for a new era of wellness, offering a swift and cost-effective avenue to slow down the aging process and embrace a vibrant, rejuvenated life.

RevitTx is more than a treatment center; it's a testament to the unwavering spirit of medical innovation, compassion, and the pursuit of a life lived to the fullest. Embrace the journey to a revitalized self at RevitTx—the path to the fountain of youth awaits.

Frequently Asked Questions


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The unique RevitTx delivery system used to perform the treatment consists of a nasal spray applicator that was designed specially to provide natural effects throughout the body.


NAD+ Therapy

Total Body Energy Boost in Seconds, Not Hours.

Experience a wellness transformation with RevitTx’s all-natural and innovative treatment.


Revitalize Therapy

Relax The Mind and Body in Seconds.

Transform your mind and body with our all new CBD nasal spray treatment.


What Clients Say About Us

Dora H

"I was able to sleep. I was less anxious and in a calm mood."

Sandra G

"I feel relaxed and calm and will sleep like a baby tonight."

Rama S

"I had a feeling of calm in situations that would normally be high stress.”

Alexa T

"It's made me more calm. I'm able to sleep, and it gives me a boost of energy."

Daniel R

"It's great, the whole Zen aspect. I feel relaxed and at ease. It is the best feeling."

Get in touch with us

  • (708) 265-3217


  • 2465 North Halsted Street

  • Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

2465 N Halsted St, Chicago, IL 60614, USA

Appointment Form

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Unlock the Power of the TX-360 and discover the ultimate solution at RevitTx—a breakthrough brand dedicated to crafting cutting-edge treatments that promote total body wellness. Our specially curated formulas are clinically proven to alleviate stress, anxiety, depression, ADHD, insomnia, and so much more. Experience the RevitTx difference with our innovative delivery system.

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  • 312-265-1465

  • 2465 North Halsted Street

  • Monday - Friday, 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm

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