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A Lifelong Journey of Easing Pain and Enhancing Well-Being: My Path to Creating the Tx360

A Lifelong Journey of Easing Pain and Enhancing Well-Being: My Path to Creating the Tx360

Dr. Tian Xia at UCSF (University of California San Francisco), Department of Oral Medicine, on August 5, 2023, speaking about his patented Tx360 device.

Greetings, fellow seekers of health and well-being. I am Dr. Tian Xia, the founder of RevitTx, and it is with immense joy and humility that I share with you the remarkable journey that has brought me to this point—a point where innovation, compassion, and a deep desire to ease the pain of others have converged to create the groundbreaking Tx360 nasal applicator. Join me as we delve into the heart of my lifelong devotion to enhancing lives through pain management and holistic wellness.

From the earliest days of my medical education, a profound calling took root within me—a calling to step into the lives of those suffering from pain and offer them relief, solace, and hope. That is why I embarked on a journey to become a pain management doctor, determined to provide patients with the tools they need to lead fulfilling lives, unburdened by the weight of discomfort.

My years of practice revealed an unmet need—innovative solutions that could provide effective, rapid relief to individuals grappling with issues of depression, anxiety, and stress. In response, I set forth on a mission to create something truly remarkable, something that could transform lives and alleviate suffering in a way that was both efficient and accessible.

The result of this mission was the patented Tx360 nasal applicator—a true innovation in the world of wellness. This ingenious device enables the direct delivery of CBD oil to a nerve in the sinuses that communicates directly to brain, offering a host of benefits that range from promoting relaxation and relieving discomfort to enhancing mood and improving skin health. The Tx360 offers a path to a healthier life, both mentally and physically, and does so at a fraction of the time and cost associated with traditional methods.

At the heart of the Tx360's power lies CBD, or cannabidiol—an all-natural compound derived from the hemp plant. CBD has captured the attention of researchers and wellness enthusiasts alike for its potential to promote balance within the body and mind. By delivering CBD directly to the sinuses, the Tx360 harnesses the full potential of this remarkable compound, offering a holistic approach to well-being that transcends traditional boundaries. The Tx360 represents not just a technological breakthrough, but a beacon of hope for all who seek relief and a path to a healthier, more vibrant life. I invite you to explore the possibilities that lie within the Tx360, to embrace the potential for enhanced relaxation, improved mood, and a revitalized sense of well-being.

To those who have long sought a way to ease their pain, to those who yearn for a life free from the shackles of stress and anxiety—I extend my hand and invite you to join me on this transformative journey. The Tx360 and RevitTx stand ready to guide you toward a brighter future—one where pain is eased, well-being is elevated, and the potential for a healthier life is within reach.

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The unique RevitTx delivery system used to perform the treatment consists of a nasal spray applicator that was designed specially to provide natural effects throughout the body.


NAD+ Therapy

Total Body Energy Boost in Seconds, Not Hours.

Experience a wellness transformation with RevitTx’s all-natural and innovative treatment.


Revitalize Therapy

Relax The Mind and Body in Seconds.

Transform your mind and body with our all new CBD nasal spray treatment.


What Clients Say About Us

Dora H

"I was able to sleep. I was less anxious and in a calm mood."

Sandra G

"I feel relaxed and calm and will sleep like a baby tonight."

Rama S

"I had a feeling of calm in situations that would normally be high stress.”

Alexa T

"It's made me more calm. I'm able to sleep, and it gives me a boost of energy."

Daniel R

"It's great, the whole Zen aspect. I feel relaxed and at ease. It is the best feeling."

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  • Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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Unlock the Power of the TX-360 and discover the ultimate solution at RevitTx—a breakthrough brand dedicated to crafting cutting-edge treatments that promote total body wellness. Our specially curated formulas are clinically proven to alleviate stress, anxiety, depression, ADHD, insomnia, and so much more. Experience the RevitTx difference with our innovative delivery system.

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